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  +1310 362 6331

Betta Facts

Betta fish (betta splendens) is one of the much-loved ornamental fish. It is a fresh water fish that many have encountered in some countries of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This fish has a unique shape and have characters tend to be aggressive in defending its territory.

The Betta is a beautiful fish that is somewhat tolerant to poor water quality. It is easy to breed in an aquarium and is relatively inexpensive. While these facts add up to make it a good beginner's fish, the real success of the Betta resulted because it was sold as a novelty. These fish were displayed in a glass vase where a large water plant with an intricate root system filled most of the vase. The problem with Betta is, that these fish are extremely hardy, they still cannot survive without their basic needs being met, and if left in these suboptimal conditions, they will die. In fact, the complete number of Bettas sold every year is proof that most of these fish do not survive very long, and are frequently replaced. If every Betta survived to their minimal normal life span of at least two years, the total sales would be a fraction of what they currently are.

These fish are generally divided into three categories, betta fish ornamental, betta fish for fight, and wild betta fish. When the contest, these fish were given some extra treatments, like extra food and special doping to strengthen the body color of the betta fish in quarantine.


Basically both male and female Bettas have the same anatomy. They have a cylindrical form with the front part of the body narrowing to an imaginatively compressed shape. Particularly in the male Betta, the pelvic fins are quite long and extended.  The dorsal fins inserts behind the midpoint of the back, and have varies in length from short to moderate. In domesticated male Betta splendors, this fin can be overstated into a huge float. The anal fin is long and when splayed near the pectoral fin insertion, and it billows out like a large fan, as the same way of caudal fin. When at rest, both fins hang down, giving the outward show of long folded hangings.

As a Betta ages, his tail and fins grow longer and heavier, causing him to become sluggish. He will become tired with his 'blowing tail.' and he loses it only to have it grow back with some discoloration and unevenness. However, the loss of the heavy tail rejuvenates him.

Both male and female Betta displays the beard, which is the casing under the gill plate cover, when they are flaring, although the female's is considerably smaller. Without having the ability to blink, the Betta's eyes protrude. Their mouths are particularly fascinating with rows of tiny pointed teeth and powerful strong jaws. They are perfectly designed and positioned to both devour and to blow bubbles. What is another interesting about them is the way the male Bettas gently carry the eggs in their mouths without damaging them on their sharp teeth.

The internal organs of the Betta splendens, which include the brain, heart, stomach, liver and spleen, are mostly located between the head and the beginning of the anal fin. The lower half of its anatomy is flesh, spine and the swim bladder. Between these anatomical features and specific behavioral characteristics, today's Bettas can unquestionably be classified as members of the suborder Anabantoidei.


The Betta has been breed in many different types, by having a variety of different colours, colour patterns and tail forms. The selective breeding began in S.E. Asia long ago, with breeding of the Plakat Morh, the true Fighting Fish of Thailand, Plakat Khmer, the Cambodian colour form, and the Plakat Cheen, the long-finned, ornamental variety.  Modern breeding programs have greatly extended the range of colours, fin types and patterns so that many combinations exist.  These all derive from the Plakat Khmer and Plakat Cheen.

Solid Colors: Cellophane, white opaque, yellow, orange, red, steel blue, green, black etc.

Bi-Color: Cambodian, green or blue Cambodians, chocolate

Betta with Patterns: butterfly (BF), marble, piebald