12817 Halldale Ave,Gardena, CA 90249, USA.
  +1310 362 6331

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About BuyBettaOnline...

BuyBettaOnline is a sub product of Tropical Fish International (TFI) and its main target is to facilitate better e-commerce infrastructure to our customers to bring up the sale of Betta and Betta related products. We offer a full spectrum of Betta & Betta related products.

Who are we?

TFI was established in 1991, has been supplying live aquaria to retailers, wholesalers and distributors for over 20 years. We run our own farms in Thailand and Sri Lanka, and have close partnerships with breeders and collectors across the globe. Our experience and flexibility allows us to accommodate customers of all sizes, from the local wholesaler to 1000 store chains. Our global supply chain and technological abilities result in numerous savings that we are happy to pass to our customers in the form of competitively priced quality aquaria. TFI has the best prices on the most popular species and can tailor custom pricing and shipping programs to fit your needs.

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